
Coleman, Ballinger, Winters Coop for Special Services was established as a shared service arrangement (SSA) to provide support to three small districts in serving their special education population.  In June of 2022, Miles ISD was added to the Coop for Special Services. We are excited to partner with another district!

While all staff (paraprofessionals, teachers, and evaluation personal) are employed by the districts, the coop acts as a central hub for compliance reporting, training, and support.  We work to provide innovative ways to support each district and, by doing so, support the students who are enrolled at each district. 

Links to updated SMORE Pages

COOP SMORE – resources for parents and educators for at home learning, behavior/academic support, mental health/counseling, OT/PT/Speech/VI and much more! Check it out!

Special Ed Info and Support SMORE– information for General Ed and Special Ed teachers and staff on working with special ed students in schools.

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